Mtg demigod of revenge
Mtg demigod of revenge

mtg demigod of revenge

– There is an attack direction stipulation also. – The players turns are taken individually in clockwise rotation. Two persons per team sitting diagonal from one another: So thanks to Lydios and The Magic Gameplan Blog for these gameplay variation.

mtg demigod of revenge

The original source o these game variations came from one of his readers, Lydios. I shot Zach an email asking if I could re-post and he gave me the thumbs up. Last week I read about some alternative game formats on The Magic Gameplan Blog. Tags: alternate formats, Cross-fire, Magic: The Gathering, MTG, Peasant EDH I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more oomph in this one, but I’m a fan nonetheless.Gameplay Variations FebruPosted by Norm in Casual. I love decks that are simple, don’t get too fancy, and resemble control decks. As for Tron, well, I think I have those grievances covered. You have 9 fetchlands, 2 Thoughtseize, and numerous cards that are ineffective against Burn, like Blood Moon and Damnation. While I wish it weren’t the case, losing to Tron Twice and Burn once makes sense when you look at the deck. Another card that might be right at home is Phyrexian Arena, but you might want more life gain before going down that road, along with the fact that your 3-slot is packed.

mtg demigod of revenge

Sure, it doesn’t have flashback, or allow you to discard Demigod, but it might still be worth considering. Night’s Whisper could be better, especially since you have little to play on turn 2 aside from Terminate. I would advocate Dark Confidant, but your casting costs are a little on the heavy side. With only 23 lands, a lot of them being fetches, you can also understand that you don’t always get to five lands easily, especially with Faithless Looting creating card disadvantage. I love Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Demigod of Revenge as much (or more, in the case of the Demon) than the next guy, but it felt like you simply don’t draw them quickly enough sometimes, giving your opponent plenty of time to dig their way out of the hole you’ve put them in.

mtg demigod of revenge

While you do have 8 win conditions, they’re all kind of fragile, and I’m not sure it’s enough. I know Dredge is a terror, but couldn’t we consider moving to 2 Damnation and 2 Anger of the Gods in the main deck? I feel like that gives you a little more game against them, while not diluting your power against aggressive decks. Speaking of the sideboard, 6 graveyard hate cards is a lot. Something like Shatterstorm is also fine, but you don’t see much Affinity nowadays, and if you’re trying to kill something like Oblivion Stone, the Command is just better. With only 8 win conditions and no additional artifact removal in the sideboard, I wouldn’t mind having the extra 2 Kolaghan’s Commands in the main deck, or the sideboard at least. You have about a million cards to board out, but way fewer cards to bring in. So, to start, one of my biggest problems with decks that act like control decks in Modern is having infinite blank removal spells against decks that don’t fight on that axis.

Mtg demigod of revenge